
Emsculpt Neo is a nonsurgical, FDA-cleared body contouring device that combines high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology with radiofrequency (RF) energy, to strengthen and build muscles while simultaneously burning fat. It can treat the abdomen, buttocks, biceps and triceps, and calves.

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How it works

Emsculpt Neo produces up to 24,000 supramaximal contractions while also using RF energy to boost blood supply to the muscle tissues for increased volume and to break down fat cells by heating the fat layer to just above 42°C/107.6°F. Four 30-minute treatments, spaced one week apart, are recommended for best results.

What to expect

During the Emsculpt procedure, electromagnetic pulses are sent through the abdominal or buttocks muscles at a rapid rate. This may feel like a mild tingle or “zap” feeling in the targeted area. Emsculpt will feel like a workout, without the work!