
from $150.00

ResurFX™ is a laser skin-resurfacing treatment that helps even out hyperpigmentation (like sun spots or melasma), smooth wrinkles, and fade stretch marks and mild acne scars. The ResurFX™ laser is a nonablative fractional laser, meaning that its light is broken into narrow beams that tunnel into skin without damaging the surrounding tissue or removing the top layer of skin.

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Benefits of ResurFX

The benefit of the ResurFX is that it is able to get great results with minimal recovery time. The optimum benefits of ResurFX are obtained with several treatments depending on the condition and desired results.

During the procedure

Prior to your treatment, your aesthetician may apply a topical numbing cream to your skin. Once it takes effect, they’ll pass the laser beam over the treatment area, creating micro injuries that trigger a healing response, including a boost in collagen and elastin.

After care

You can expect mild swelling for the first one to two days, then redness and sensitivity for up to five days after treatment. 

Avoid any harsh skincare ingredients (retinoids, physical exfoliants, acids, etc.). You’ll also be extremely sun-sensitive and need to avoid sun exposure immediately after your treatment and continue to use strong sun protection for at least three months or forever.